Terms of service.

KenSnipe Enterprises LLC (KSE)/OD by Design (ODD) is committed to protecting the privacy of all its clients. Information gathered from clients during discovery will be kept confidential. All information received from or provided by the clients is strictly for the use of KSE/ODD and will not be shared with any third party. KSE/ODD agrees not to disclose client’s confidential information to anyone or use it in any way other than for the purpose of rendering services for the client.

KSE/ODD shall only ask for information necessary in determining the appropriate services for the client. All clients are required to read and sign a client agreement before services are rendered, which outlines terms and conditions such as payment terms, service deliverables, and privacy.

Invoices are required to be paid in full once service deliverables have been determined. Providing payment for services, along with signing the client agreement, acknowledges full agreement to KSE/ODD.